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A Boy Called Patches
I'm the main character for a school age (PreK - 5th) learning program.
I help young people w/conflict resolution & the acceptance of differences in themselves & others.
The following videos are simply intros to many topics that concern our children,
Acceptance (The New Kid, Again?!, What Happened in Little Rock Changed History Forever), testing and grades (Study Buddies) and resolving conflict (The Peaceful Garden).

Filming our NEW stop motion movie
This is an outtake from our movie (just finished filming ). Based on my upcoming book series 'The New Kid, Again!?

Back to the Barbershop
Patches must decide which way to get his hair cut and his friend Rahmel tags along.

Little Rock
Patrick and his friends pay a tribute to The Little Rock Nine

Study Buddies
Shayla and Niah as Shayla prepares for their upcoming math test!

Celebrating Kwanzaa a
Patrick and his Baba give a lesson about the holiday Kwanzaa.
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